
Jim 艾尔斯 To Step 回来 From Executive Chairman Role at 世界赌博十大网站


Stuart McWhorter当选为董事会主席

田纳西州纳什维尔. (12月. 2, 2020) ——吉姆·艾尔斯, 谁买了一个小小的, rural West 田纳西州essee bank in 1984 and turned it into an $11 billion regional powerhouse, announced today he was stepping down as Executive Chairman of the board of directors of 世界赌博十大网站 and its parent company FB Financial Corporation (NYSE: FBK) effective Jan. 1, 2021.

艾尔斯, 谁拥有这家上市银行29%的股份, will retain a board seat and expects to continue working at the bank, 把时间都花在客户身上.

“刚刚庆祝了我的77岁生日th 生日, I thought this would be a good time to dial back some of my responsibilities to give me more time to spend with my family and on my hobbies,艾尔斯说. “这家银行很强大, we have excellent leadership at the top with Chris 福尔摩斯 as President and CEO, 我们有一个强大而多元化的董事会. I can go hunting and fishing, and that’s what I intend to do.”

福尔摩斯, 56岁, joined 世界赌博十大网站 as Chief Banking Officer before being named President in 2012 and adding the CEO’s role the following year. 福尔摩斯是田纳西州列克星敦人., and worked previously in executive roles at The South Financial Group in Greenville, S.C.孟菲斯的国家商业金融公司. He serves as the current chairman of the 田纳西州essee Bankers Association along with several other boards including Delta Dental of 田纳西州essee and the 田纳西州essee Hospital Association.

在一个特别的会议上, the board elected Stuart McWhorter as Chairman and named 艾尔斯 as Vice Chairman and Founder.

“Jim 艾尔斯 has been and will continue to be an enormous presence at 世界赌博十大网站,” 福尔摩斯 said.

在选举一个独立的董事会主席, we were guided by the Company’s commitment to the highest standards of corporate governance. With Stuart McWhorter’s experience in business and leadership and his 12 years on the Company’s board, 他是我们理想的主席, and we expect the transition to be seamless as we move into the new calendar year.”

McWhorter recently rejoined the board of directors after stepping back from public service. He originally joined the board in 2006 before accepting a role in Governor Bill Lee’s Administration. 担任财务及行政专员, 麦克沃特领导起草了两个财政年度的州预算, 领导部门的各个部门, co-chaired the Governor’s Healthcare Modernization Task Force, and served on several boards and commissions on behalf of the governor, 包括国家建设委员会, State Funding Board and the Investment Committee of the state’s Pension Fund. 为应对COVID-19大流行, Governor Lee also appointed McWhorter as Director of the TN Unified Command Group to streamline coordination across the 田纳西州essee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA), 田纳西州essee Department of Health and 田纳西州essee Department of Military.

艾尔斯 built successful health care and real estate ventures in addition to moving into banking. He and a business partner bought Farmers State Bank in Scotts Hill, 田纳西州., in 1984. 当时它是一家拥有1400万美元资产的农村银行.

银行搬到了田纳西州的列克星敦., in 1986 after they acquired the assets of First National Bank of Lexington. 公司更名为第一银行, 从那里开始, the business expanded across the state and eventually into Kentucky, 佐治亚州和阿拉巴马州.

The bank was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2016 through the largest banking IPO in 田纳西州essee history. The IPO exceeded many analysts’ expectations on the initial trading day and has continued to be a leader among its peers.

艾尔斯 and his wife, Janet, have been very active in the community. In 1999, 他成立了艾尔斯基金会, 哪一个支持广泛的项目和机构, 强调教育. Other philanthropic activities include the establishment of the 艾尔斯 Institute at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, 杰克逊的艾尔斯儿童医院, 田纳西州., and the 艾尔斯 Institute for Teacher Learning and Innovation at Lipscomb University.

In 2019, 艾尔斯 was inducted into the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans. 他还获得了许多其他奖项, including the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America, and holds honorary doctorates from Freed-Hardeman University, 联合大学, 伯特利大学和孟菲斯大学, 他是第一个获此殊荣的校友.


明星世界赌博十大网站, a wholly owned subsidiary of FB Financial Corporation (NYSE: FBK), 总部设在田纳西州的第三大银行是谁, 在田纳西州有80家提供全方位服务的银行分支机构, 肯塔基中南部, 阿拉巴马州北部和佐治亚州北部, and a national mortgage business with offices across the Southeast. The bank serves five of the major metropolitan markets in 田纳西州essee and, with approximately $11.总资产1000亿美元, has the resources to provide a comprehensive variety of financial services and products.


珍妮Rittenberry                                        Roger Shirley

世界赌博十大网站                                                        MP&F战略传播

jrittenberry@jingshuoshuo.com              rshirley@mpf.com

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